Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Introducing Yet Another Political Blog

This has been a long time coming, but after much encouragement (from, like, two or three people) I've decided to take my status updates, meme shares, and cynical sarcasm to the classiest, most well-respected medium in existence--the blogosphere. Now, I know what you're saying, "Jeff, aren't there about 4 million people out there already bloviating about American politics on blogs that no one reads? Shouldn't you do something better with your ever-decreasing free time?" And to you--hypothetical pessimist I created to express my own inner doubts--I say, no, this is important. I am a stay-at-home father of a two year old with one on the way, I have a degree in English, a novel that sold moderately well in my core demographic of people socially obligated to read my fiction, and I love stirring up social media debates with friends of friends and high school drop-outs on either side of the aisle. I think this more than qualifies me to write editorial pieces about issues that are of the utmost concern to my fellow Americans. Please share, comment, and cuss at your device of choice as I periodically find some topic to expand upon for your intermittent indignation.

This is The Hardesty Post.

1 comment:

  1. Geez, Jeff. FINE. I'll read your blog. Now quit twisting my arm. :p
